Saturday - May 13, 2006 (Option #1 )
Tour A:
Smaller Private Gardens and Brookside
Tour A will visit a selection of smaller private gardens in the Maryland suburbs,
as well as the large, 54-acre public Brookside Gardens, pictured right. Most of these
gardens are conveniently located within a few minutes drive of one another.
Brookside Gardens
A focal point of this tour will be the spectacular main 54 acre campus of Brookside
Gardens in Wheaton, MD. Brookside has many
separate gardens in its complex including a conservatory, rose garden,
perennial garden, fragrance garden (pictured), aquatic garden, and a large azalea collection.
Smaller Private Gardens
Current plans include visiting approximately four or five smaller private gardens in
Suburban Maryland, including
those of Bill Miller, Jane Kinzie, Diane Gregg, Charlie Evans, the Bosworths, and the Thompsons.
Some pictures from those gardens are provided below. Click on the image to learn more about
the specific Garden
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