Potomac Valley Chapter
of the
American Rhododendron Society
Here are some of the things we do in the Potomac Valley Chapter:
- Regular Meetings
We have five to six meetings each year including a banquet.
- Flowershow and Plant Sale
We have a Flower Show and Plant Sale at the National Arboretum each year.
- Chapter Newsletters
We send out four newsletters each year which contain general chapter information
as well as informative articles related to rhododendrons and azaleas.
- Native Azaleas and Chapter Field Trip
Many ARS members in our district have a
special interest in native azaleas. In June of 2002, our chapter organized a field
trip to Roan Mountain and the Smokies to see native azaleas and rhododendrons
blooming in the wild.
- Plants for Members Program
Our chapter propagates rare rhododendron and azalea clones as well as reliable
"good doers" that we distribute to our members and sell at our plant sale.
- Seed Exchange
We secure rare seeds and hybrid
crosses donated by various persons that we offer to our members.